Update your profile
Your profile contains personal information used to identify you in Objective Build and access to change your password.
To update your profile
To access your Profile page, select your profile icon in the top navigation and select
Your personal information is shown at the top of the Profile page:
First name and Last name are mandatory fields. They do not have to be unique - other users may have profiles in Objective Build with the same first and last names.
Business name is editable until you join an organisation, when it is set to the organisation's name and can be changed by the organisation's administrators.
Contact number may be a mobile or landline number with either New Zealand or Australia country code.
Email address is set when you set up your Objective Build account and you cannot change this. Objective Build uses the email address as the unique identifier in the system and users cannot set up an account with an email address that is already in use in the system.
To set your address, start typing in the Address field and select from a list of matching addresses. If your address is not shown, select Can't find the address? Enter it manually to display address fields for you to enter the address. The address set on your profile may be used for mapping travel between your address and another location, for example for you to plan travel to a meeting with a participant on an application or for a building inspector to travel to a property for a planned building consent inspection.
Select Save to apply your changes or Undo to revert your profile to the previous save point.